About LSU





  1. 務使國泰航空公司依據本地員工條例而聘請之職員全部參加本工會。
  2. 爭取,維護公平和合理之工資,工作時間,其他僱傭條件; 及普遍保障會員利益。
  3. 盡可能以協議方式調和會員與資方,會員與會員,及會員與其他員工之關係,並調解彼此間之糾紛。
  4. 促進資方與本會之瞭解,互相尊重,建立永久及認可之制度進行會議。

The Cathay Pacific Airways Local Staff Union (LSU) was formally incorporated by the Registry of Trade Unions (RTU) on September 21, 1979. It is one of the few trade unions with collective bargaining rights in Hong Kong and is recognized by Cathay Pacific management as an endorsed local staff organization.

According to the constitution of Cathay Pacific Airways Local Staff Union, all staffs employed by Cathay Pacific Airways under the Hong Kong Employment Ordinance have the right to apply for participation regardless of nationality or gender.
The Executive Committee is responsible for handling all LSU’s affairs according to the powers conferred by the Annual General Meeting or the Extraordinary General Meeting. The Executive Committee consists of eleven members. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Administrative Assistant are secretly elected every three years at the Annual General Meeting. Only the position of Chairman can not be re-elected for more than two terms.

In addition to the Executive Committee, each department has its members who participate in the department’s representative. It aims to reflect the opinions and demands from different departments to the company through the committee and help seeking solutions, strengthen the communication between management and employees.
To ensure communication between the union and the company, the Executive Committee regularly meets with the company’s management every two months in order to improve the labor relations.

Our Mission:

  1. Make all the local employed Cathay Pacific staffs participate in the union.
  2. Strive to maintain fair and reasonable wages, working hours, other employment conditions; and generally protect the interests of members.
  3. Reconcile the relationship between members and employers, members and members, and members and other employees as much as possible, and mediate disputes between them.
  4. Promote the understanding between the company and LSU, respect each other, and establish a permanent and recognized system for meetings.